Thursday, November 20, 2014

A Special Thanks to our Donor's!

Safe Families of Madison County would like to say a BIG HUGE thank you to those who have opened their hearts and opened their wallets to supporting Safe Families for Children of Madison County through our online giving campaign during the month of November.

We are a little over half-way to our fundraising goal!  We need 47 more people to give $50 and we will make our goal of $5,000 in online donations!!  Each and every dollar that is given will be matched, giving SFFC Madison County a total of $10,000.  I'd like to take a moment to acknowledge those who have supported this campaign so far:

Joe and Barbara Clark
Bryan Williams
Lisa DeLey
Pendleton Christian Church
The Luken's Family
The Kemper Family
Megan Wolfe
James W. Lewis
Jeff and Kelly Seal
The Mollenkopf Family
The Pippin Family
Pam and Larry Nevins
Ryan Flegel
Jon and Annie Nichols
Blessed to be a Blessing
Steve Voss
Owen and Hillary Nevins
Kristin and Eric Stayer
The Overshiner's
Gregg Zion
Ken and Linda Johnson
Ryan Snider
Aleah Wade
Chris and Sara Richardson
Amanda Day
Jackie Nevins
Mary Harvey
and of course….
(or was that my brother donating in Jesus name?)

Every single donation takes time and energy… so thank you to each of you who took the time to support this effort.  Each of you have contributed to keeping this incredible organization on it's feet!

In March of 2013 Safe Families started up in Madison County with the help of seed money from Safe Families of Central Indiana.  After being supported for over a year and a half, SFFC Madison County is making a BIG effort at standing on it's own two feet!  Finishing this online giving campaign strong will allow us to stay in full-time operation.  On average, it costs Safe Families $150 to help a child in crisis and $500 to help an entire family.  Your dollars mean we can help more families! 

Sometimes business jump on board and donate more than just money.  Joe Clark is a supporter that also runs a weekly radio show called Consider This with Big Joe Clark at the Financial Enhancement Group in Anderson.  A few months ago, Joe invited me to share a little bit about Safe Families on his program, while he shared with his audience a little bit about giving to non-profit organizations.

Joe's connection with Safe Families was personal, like many of them are.  He shares about how God brought him into the knowledge of Safe Families by means of two stories circulating all within the same 36 hour span of time.  Joe says that it was obvious that God wanted him to pay attention to this!  You can hear Joe's story and more about what Safe Families is, how to contact us and why giving to non-profits matters.

"Emma really does need the financial support and the funding to be able to keep it going.  It is to a degree a start up in Madison County… we need to have the awareness that the place exists.  That takes a little bit of sweat equity, but it also takes a little bit of capital… but we really need to step up as a county to try to be able to support and provide for that as best we can." 
-- Big Joe Clark

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